Thanks Parks & Rec for the reminder "Time is money!"

Did you watch Parks & Recreation? It was on NBC, now on Netflix. April Ludgate is a funny character and takes the saying “Time is Money!” to a-whole-nother level. But she’s right minus the pizza is knowledge-- unless you have had knowledge-giving pizza and in that case, contact us.If you’re a business owner or an executive, you definitely understand the phrase "Time is money." You understand budgets, prioritizing, and sometimes a little DIY saves some pennies. Business owners in all stages inquire about our services. We get established businesses/corporations ready to sign contracts to get the work done, son. (I had to.) We have some that will prioritize the work they need to hire out and then attempt to take on other portions of their digital marketing themselves or assign to their team. And finally, we have those that are starting out-- some have a budget and some are bootstrapping their whole new business endeavor, but they are using their resource of time. So if “Time is money,” ask yourself these 3 questions before you start making a DIY project out of your Digital Marketing.
1. What is my budget? Yes, like literal money.
This is one of the first questions we ask those inquiring about our services. Why? A few factors play into this question. Because we want to be sure you have done your homework and understand the time & effort it takes to produce quality assets. We also want to be sure we can give you an accurate quote that won’t put you into complete sticker shock and blows all your dreams of becoming a business owner. If you are working with a reputable company, they aren’t going to take your whole budget if it’s higher than they typically charge. We want to be sure we are a good match from the get go and if budget stands in the way, we would love to help point you in the right direction, get you started on a smaller scale, or be more value as a consulting agency. Your budget will dictate your priorities, what you delegate, or do yourself.
2.How much time do I truly have to work on this project? Is there someone on my team that can help?
Is your time spent on your digital marketing keeping you from increasing your cash flow in other ways? Is web developing, social media or content development in your wheelhouse of talents or skills? Many believe digital marketing is easier than it looks so surely it can be done fairly quickly, right? What we have found with some of our clients is they have no time at the end of the day to create quality digital marketing assets or strategy and they realize the value Gulf Coast Pixel brings to the table.If you are a start-up, you are likely getting all your ducks in a row. If you are still working full time before you completely launch your new business, take advantage of the steady paycheck-- this is when DIY can be profitable. Spend a little time in the evenings or the weekends to learn online or establish the backend office tasks that will free up some of your budget to get you launched faster. For example, we have some friends that are starting their business this year. Because of their budget & time, they have chosen to write all their content for their website themselves. Did you know it took nearly 40 hours for them to complete it? Of course, research, tutorials, and some learning were involved and that learning curve takes time. Do you have that time to commit to writing content? If you have a team of people, is digital marketing something they can help manage? Can you delegate? We have a client that has a team of people in his office who he can delegate tasks to such as gathering photos, writing content, sitting through the progress meetings. And that brings us to the final question...
3. What are my priorities?
Maybe your priorities include needing a website stat so you can show the world wide web you are legit and trustworthy. Maybe you are so behind with having a social media presence that when people find your page it looks like you may be out of business. Or maybe you need a way to market via email to stay top of mind to previous and potential clients.Determine your needs and start making a list ranking tasks in order of importance. Nail down what you have the time, talent, and skill to complete and then look back at your budget. Then you can pinpoint the pieces of your digital marketing strategy that is best to hire the experts to complete.
Hiring experts like Gulf Coast Pixel may seem like a larger investment in the beginning, but we bring great value to getting your digital marketing platform & strategy off the ground so you can put your focus back on what you love about owning YOUR business.
Need some help? Check us out at and set up a consultation to get you started.